Welcome to my portifolio
My name is Marco and I am a recent graduate in a MA in Game Development.
I've been a fan of games ever since I was a child. This passion led me to study games at the University. I got a Bsc in Creative Media Technologies, where I learned about different areas of media, apps and game production, from modelling to coding. After this degree, I achived a masters focusing in game design and worked closely with former industry professionals during the duration of it.
Softwares I am familiar with include: UE5, UE4, Unity, Maya, 3Ds Max, WWise, Adobe Creative Cloud, Microsoft Office, LogicX, Game Maker.
Programing Languages I am familiar with: C#, Java, Python and UE4's Blueprints
In my free time, I like to play games or to watch streams. Lately, I've been playing the Yakuza series and Kingdom Hearts. I am also creating some short horror games.
I am currently looking for a graduate role in the games industry or in sofwtare development.
Bellow are some of the projects IÂ developed during University.

Some of the projects I'm working on.
In an effort to learn more skills, I am developing some short horror games by myself. This will help me learn more about coding and game design. I am using UE5 and the Blueprints.